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GannettUSA Today

Friday, June 23, 2006

No place for peace and quiet near us

Out to dinner with my family this week, I was constantly reminded of two letters we received for our Opinion Page. The first said that now that smoking has been banned in restaurants, there should be some "child-free" restaurants as well. The second letter was a response to that, from a waitress, who said if people have a special occasion, they can choose a more upscale restaurant, but that otherwise we should enjoy each others' stages in life. Hear, hear.

With my two sisters and their families in town for a reunion and a graduation, 20 of us took up three tables -- one for each generation -- at one of our favorite Italian eateries. Those letters rifled through my mind as I constantly made sure the chatter at the "kiddie table" didn't grow too loud and that our kids stayed in their seats. I surveyed other tables from time to time to make sure no one looked bothered.

But we are what we are, and this was a family restaurant, so telling the kids to whisper was not going to happen. For the most part, they stayed in their seats (with the exception of my 3 year old, whose birthday we were celebrating) and enjoyed the company of their cousins who they don't get to see often enough.

My husband and I, on rare occasions, get to dine without all the children. When we do, we usually pick a place where other children aren't likely to be. But when we bring the brood along with us -- often accompanied by my brother and his children and my parents and uncle -- we know what places will welcome us.

A friend once complained that one of our favorite family restaurants is too loud. Yep, it is. And we wouldn't have it any other way.


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