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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Does NJ even HAVE a slogan now?

New York is looking to upgrade its "I Love New York" ad campaign. Officials are seeking marketers to help them take advantage of new media, such as text messaging and podcasts. I can see podcasts, but text messaging?

I wonder if the governor has the "I Love New York" jingle as his cell phone ring tone.
I remember the first few years of that campaign - it started in 1977 - with all kinds of celebrities posed in different spots of New York singing to the jingle.

The only New Jersey ad campaign I can ever think of is "New Jersey and You, Perfect Together." And it's always with former Gov. Kean saying it. Do we even have any campaign or slogan now? I remember the fiasco a few years back, when they paid an ad agency a fortune to come up with something, and it was almost insulting, something like "New Jersey, We'll prove you wrong." That was followed by a contest opened up to residents. The state picked five lame choices for the rest of us to vote on. I think it was something like "Come see us now." Didn't that one get canned because it was too similar to another state's?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the following aren't all that bad:

* You pay, we play, compliments of NJ politicians.

* New Jersey: We’ll tax the #&!@ out of you.

* Come to New Jersey. It’s not as bad as it smells.

* Welcome to New Jersey: Expect delays.

* Got Jug-Handles?

* Why should death end your voting rights?

* At least it’s not West Virginia

* Most of Our Elected Officials Have Not Been Indicted

* Leave Your heart in San Francisco & Your Wallet in New Jersey

* How you doin?

* Big hair, big fun

* Everyone loves a Jersey Girl

* New Jersey: We'll look the other way (My personal favorite)

* NJ: At least it's not Staten Island

* Come smell for yourself

* What's a jug handle?

* Fugedaboutit!

* Come develop our open space

* Where's your beach badge?

2/13/2007 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

clare, your a big fat ugly doucher. A poor un happy probably unmarrie piece of shit of life and you clearly serve no purpose in life other than complaining online about various problems in your pathetic life

much love
your secret love

ps. you suck

2/26/2009 09:49:00 AM  

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