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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Let this lawsuit fizzle out

Hearing reports from the state Attorney General's Office that they're going after fireworks sales reminded me of a few other Big News items. Who can forget Peter C. Harvey's heroic stance on Blockbuster Video's "no late fees" advertising? He invested, time, money, staff and a lot of publicity efforts ... most other states just settled for Blockbuster refunding customers' money (the offensive restocking fee was $1.50) and reimbursing legal fees. New Jersey went on the attack, then finally agreed to settle for $90,000 -- about $1.25 per affected customer. Then there was the attack on Nissan for selling cars with easily stolen headlights, and the silliest cause of all: that Ladies Nights in bars were discriminatory.

Looks like Zulima Farber is following suit. She, along with the Division of Consumer Affairs, is going after four Pennsylvania companies and one Virginia company for advertising fireworks sales. That's fine, but the press releases and publicity dances should be reserved for something that New Jersey residents really need: a crackdown on crooked politicians, something Harvey apparently didn't see a need for. Maybe Farber sees this as a "make work" assignment ... any trip from the south end of the turnpike will supply them with plenty of billboards and roadside stands that sell New Jersey residents sparklers and Roman candles, without warning them that they're not allowed to be used in New Jersey. Judging from the noise we'll be hearing in every town over the next week, there are quite a few residents who were swayed by the "cheap fireworks" signs from here to Florida. That's a lot of potential undercover investigations to keep the staff busy. This effort sounds like another dud out of the AG's office.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farber should be investigating herself for being the incompetent corrupt buffon that she is.

7/04/2006 08:40:00 AM  

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