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GannettUSA Today

Monday, January 15, 2007

Reality more fascinating, and heart-wrenching

I love the "Law and Order" type of shows ... I don't follow any of them regularly, but I watch CSI, Cold Case Files, etc., whenever I can. This Saturday, I was riveted to CNN, watching the news of the two rescued Missouri boys -- one a little over a week after he was abducted, the second more than four years after he was kidnapped.

It was heard to tear myself away - hearing the older boy's stepfather and mother provide the details of the phone call from the DA's office, the long drive to get there so they could identify the boy and the joy at finding out after so many years that he was alive - he was 11 when he was taken and is 15 now - and coming back home.

Friends and I recalled seeing the movie "I Know My First Name is Steven" in 1989, about Steven Stayner, kidnapped at 7 and reunited with his family 7 years later, when he rescued another boy his captor kidnapped.

I hope the Missouri family finds real peace soon. The initial joy must be somewhat tempered by what they'll have to deal with in the not-so-distant future - the trial, the news coverage, the stories. I pray the kidnapper pleads guilty. He's done enough. The older boy has been deprived of a good portion of the childhood he deserved, and who knows what happened to him in those years. If they could lock the guy up without a trial, maybe this kid could start healing sooner rather than later.
Not likely, though. I doubt the boy's well-being will be his priority.


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