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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How many ringgit per text message?

We ran a story in today's paper (page A9) about some guy in Malaysia who had his late father's phone line disconnected in January and paid 84 ringgit - about $23 here - to close the account. But he recently received another bill for 806,400,000,000,000.01 ringgit. That's about $218 trillion. He was given 10 days to cough it up. It's not clear whether the bill was sent in error or the phone line was used illegally after the father's death.

I think I know what happened here. He has a teenager or two who are text messaging their friends. At least that's what's happening in my house. Our wireless bill hasn't quite reached the trillion-dollar mark, but we're fast approaching it. Our particular offender gets unlimited texts to people who use the same service provider, plus he pays an extra $15 per month for 1,000 more text messages. He's gone way over this month, and he'll be paying for those.

I could increase the non-provider text message allowances, but I think 1,000 - above and beyond our same network - is more than enough and he's gotta learn some self control. It's turning into an expensive lesson for him. I was going to clip the article about the Malaysia bill and leave it for him, but I'm afraid he might take it as a challenge.


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