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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign . . .

Spotted on a local soccer field: A hefty State of New Jersey Green Acres project sign, with the names of Gov. Corzine and DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson up high. Local politicos were listed lower. Now, if Green Acres funds are being used to provide upgrades to local sporting fields, parks or any Green Acres site, fine. But do the governor and the DEP chief have to take credit for it? We're paying for it anyway.

Can't politicians do anything without shoving their names out in front? How many times have we seen signs claiming "Your (county/state/local) tax dollars at work." (And isn't it a riot when you catch the workers in the middle of a coffee/smoke break right by the signs?)

I can understand putting the governor's name at the main thoroughfares coming into the state. A snappy sign (although they rarely are) at each end of the Parkway, Turnpike, the entrance of 195, that stuff doesn't bother me. But do we have to have to have these big, ugly metal rectangles on every sporting field, park, construction site and filled pothole?? Corzine pledged to cut spending. How about eliminating these ego-driven signs?


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