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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What will they come up with next to tax?

I remember thinking once that former Gov. McGreevey must have watched out of the car window while he was being driven around, trying to think up new things to tax. Remember the $1.50 fee on each tire on a new car (including, I believe, the donut)? How on earth did he come up with that idea? What other ridiculous taxes could he add, I cautiously wondered?
Looks like Corzine and crew do the same thing:
"Hey, look at the tan on her." Tanning salons! Tax 'em!
"Boy, I have a stiff neck." Massages! Tax 'em!
"These self-storage places seem to be popping up everywhere." Tax 'em!
"I'm getting paunchy just sitting around the Statehouse." Health club memberships. Tax 'em!

People try to save money by bulk buying at Costco or BJ's. So now those membership fees will be taxed. Other stupid new taxes include those on tattoos, limousines, floor installation, contracted landscaping and -- my favorite -- shipping and handling. How can you tax a handling? Only in Trenton would they think that one up.

What happened to the spirit of those who drove to the Statehouse in the early 90s -- rolls of toilet paper streaming from their car antennas -- to protest all the new taxes? Have we just become so used to being slowly nickel and dimed to the poorhouse? What other ridiculous items could they possibly come up with to tax?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe taxation is a good reason to legalize vices, such as prostitution, drugs, and off-track betting. Then they could tax the heck out of 'em.

7/12/2006 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not tax people leaving New Jersey? I'm sure there will be more leaving then coming when they start paying those new taxes.

7/13/2006 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Closets! At Allaire Village one of the actors at the Village Manager's house told us the reason there were no closets built into the houses were because they were taxed!

7/26/2006 08:59:00 AM  

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