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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Goodbye, Halloween. Hellooooo, Christmas

I took Halloween off to visit school classroom parties, put final touches on Halloween costumes and do the travel trick-or-treating (to family and friends out of town), the town party and the local trick-or-treating. During a last-minute run to the store to get some red hair spray for my Little Mermaid and some tooth-black-wax for my pirate girl, the Halloween stuff was already on sale and the Christmas stuff was loading up. I saw the same thing at another store, when my teen came home from school and suddenly needed a costume for "one last year" of trick-or-treating. Augh. He couldn't have thought of that over the weekend?

But I guess Halloween gears you up for Christmas. I have to go through my kids' rooms over the next few weeks to get rid of excess toys that built up over the years, just like I have to go through those Halloween bags, and bring in the excess candy to the office coffee station.
The Halloween decorations are not on the scale of the Christmas stuff, but I had to replace batteries and put my ever-increasing collection of stuff out. This weekend I'll load it all back in. Just like Christmas. I love getting it all out and ready, and hate putting it away. But I look forward to the lack of madness that January brings.
We stretch out Christmas, but Halloween is all rolled into one day, and it's exhausting. (The little ones and I did t.p. our own tree on Mischief Night: My 7-year-old excitedly said, "I hope the cops don't see us!") After a full day of Halloween, my 3-year-old conked out on our way home from our after trick-or-treating visits - long before the town curfew. The candy I left on the porch was all gone, I don't know if it was taken by two or 50 people. I was wiped out, but pleasantly, because it was really a fun day with the kids. And I had to laugh when I woke up at 5 a.m. to find a very short Power Ranger climbing in to curl up with my husband and me.
Thanksgiving's a breeze. I don't decorate, my family shares cooking and it's generally a nice, relaxing day. So I guess I'll start my Christmas shopping now, to cut down on the last-minute craziness that always seems to happen. Is it too early to put my tree up?


Blogger Clare McDowell said...

I can't stand rushing either. I also hate to shop! That's why I get it all over with early. I did a complete 180 -- used to do all my shopping the week before Christmas, now I get it done long before the crowds hit the malls. That makes life in December a lot easier for me. I like relaxing at Christmastime. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorites, though, because it's a relaxing, family day. (Lots of food and football help, too!)

11/02/2006 09:56:00 AM  

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