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GannettUSA Today

Friday, October 20, 2006

A shiver down every parent's spine

An 18-year-old kid's dead, shot in the head in broad daylight on Wednesday morning in Asbury Park, a block away from the Middle School. The county prosecutor's office says kids have easy access to guns, and neighbors say too many young people -- and they're not just talking about gangs -- are too quick to settle disputes with their guns. A few days before Tylik Pugh was shot, two other young adults were struck by bullets.
It's just terrifying, and so very, very sad.
What can be done to turn this mindset around? Who has to do it? The cops are overwhelmed just trying to keep a handle on it. How many deaths will it take before someone - anyone - comes up with a way to end this escalating violence and the increasing I'll- shoot-you-before-you-shoot-me attitude?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fantastic idea asbury park had, to close the schools down, to turn these thugs out on the streets during the middle of the day when most of the parents are at work or strung out on crack. great. they should jsut put a fence around asbury park

10/23/2006 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firearms are used 2.5 million times a year in the United States for defensive purposes. Indeed, firearms are used far more often for defensive purposes than they ever are used in the commission of crimes. In short, guns are not the problem; criminals are.

Now if you want to talk about why there is so much shooting going on in Asbury Park, go to the fathers of these teenager gangbangers -- assuming that you can, of course, find these men. God knows their children have had little contact with them over the course of their lifetimes. Ask these absent fathers why they failed their children. (75% of black children are born out of wedlock. Little wonder our prisons are full of black men.)

Boys learn to be men by watching their fathers. When fathers are taken out of the equation, don't be surprised when these boys emulate the drug dealers on the corner.

10/24/2006 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what will stop this is parents acting like civilized adults and be real parents and taking responsibility for their offspring's actions.

10/26/2006 09:16:00 AM  

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