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GannettUSA Today

Friday, February 24, 2006

$100,000 worth of pleasure

Brick Township's insurer will pay out $100,000 to settle a lawsuit by a sex-shop owner. The town and the owner have been in legal battles since the Pleasure Zone opened in 1992. This closes out most of their cases, save a few nuisance charges relating to the booths inside the business. I really don't want to know further details about those ....

Was the town right in settling? Officials say if they were ordered to pay the legal fees, it could have run much higher, and their settlement doesn't stipulate that the store has the right to remain there. The owner says he's just a hard-working guy, trying to make a living, and doesn't see why his shop - booths and all - has become such an issue. Should local officials continue in their efforts to force the Pleasure Zone to move?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same guy is now trying to open a place in Cherry Hill, NJ. We have the same fight; lawsuit, violation of local ordinances, ect. The residents in Cherry Hill are absolutely outraged and want to stop this same this from happening in our community. What doesn't seem fair is that there is a state law that regulates this kind of business and it failed in Brick and it probably will fail here as well. The owner maintains that he has a right under the First Amendment. The augument is; doesn't the community and the other people directly affected have the right to maintain what they already have? I don't believe the First Amendment was written with the intention to have the rights of one single business entity supersede an entire community.

10/11/2006 09:07:00 AM  

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