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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Is MVC compromising safety?

So the Motor Vehicle Commission is proposing to change the rules, to allow some cars to pass inspection even if they have minor infractions, such as a broken wiper blade or a wimpy horn, with a warning to get the problem fixed or face a ticket.

I've had two cases, one recently, when a co-worker told me I had a burned-out brake light days before I went to inspection, so I was able to fix it before heading to Eatontown. In the second instance, another burned-out bulb (yes, I now know to check them ahead of time) caused me to fail, go get the light fixed and return to Eatontown.

We disagree on this around the office. Some say it's a good idea to eliminate the hassle of having to return to the station for something minor and worth the savings for the MVC (estimated at $3.5 million). Others say it'd just give people a pass to drive around with unsafe cars. Would people go ahead and make the minor fixes if they weren't required to return for a passing sticker, or would they just blow it off and drive around with a busted windshield wiper or a lousy horn?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dread the biennial inspection. Their use of a one-size-fits-all car lift has to be damaging front-end suspensions. They don't bother to see if your car is lined up properly before they jack it up. Ever read the jacking instructions in your car's manual? They are very precise and somewhat complicated. They do NOT say: "Pull into an inspection lane and have a uniformed gal casually push a button which operates the same jack for a 6-ton dump truck and a Honda Accord.

7/14/2006 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will never understand this liberal mentality, so prevalent here in New Jersey, which holds that we are somehow better off because big brother government is there to regulate, to an increasing degree, the minutia of our daily lives. Do we really need a quasi-government employee looking at our windshield wipers with a magnifying glass?

Do away with inspections altogether and leave it to the cops to cite those who operate unsafe vehicles. Other states have done just that, and I can't believe that the cars in those states are any less safe than what is being driven here in New Jersey.

7/16/2006 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the not to distant future I see mandatory yearly bike ,lawn mowers ,boats and house insection. the state has to create more jobs

7/16/2006 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we should have inspections for homes, lawn mowers,boats, and bikes. Maybe even eyeglasses. Can you believe how much tax money that will bring in for the politicians in NJ?

7/18/2006 08:07:00 PM  

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