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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

So clarify exactly what the mistake was ...

Pleading for leniency in his sentencing for taking a $1,000 bribe, former Monmouth County Deputy Fire Marshal Patsy Townsend said, "In 37 years, I made one big mistake. I would like to take the opportunity to say I am truly sorry to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the public for the embarrassment I have brought on them." His lawyer said he was "part of the fabric of the community" for most of his time in public service.

So what was the one big mistake? Taking a bribe? Causing embarrassment? Or getting caught?

It really digs at me -- in many of these cases -- where these people who were so willing to take bribes turn around and say they made one mistake. I don't care if it was once, which I doubt, or a hundred times. The amount, the number of times, really doesn't matter. That any public official thought it OK to promise a favor in exchange for cash even one time is more than despicable. And don't tell me what a "nice guy" any of them are. I don't care. By adding to the cost of government by letting those handing them cash charge outrageous amounts for goods or services, they might as well have picked our pockets. And that's just not very nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, even when they are not accepting outright bribes, illegal things occur that end up costing taxpayers. These guys are so well-entrenched that they know all of the bidding contractors personally. Don't you think a lot of tip-offs are given, as personal favors? I'm convinced, even where there aren't bribes, competitive bidding is a joke.

8/02/2006 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a disgrace that the Federal Judge in this case only gave him six months in prison and another half year or so under house arrest.

We won't clean up rampant corruption in New Jersey unless people like former Marlboro mayor Scanipieco spend DECADES in prison.

8/04/2006 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these people were wrong doing what they did, but what is so different from one our our senators or congressmen accepting trips etc from major corporations or lobbyists to speak at some event, sometimes out of the country, and then voting on legislation affecting that corporation or lobbyist's interest??
the fish stinks from the head.

8/08/2006 08:41:00 AM  

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