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Monday, November 06, 2006

Take time to stop and smell the pizza

I had another incredibly busy weekend. The McDowells were on the run - we even square-danced with our friends the Muras, who put on a terrific audience participation show at their church Saturday night. The kids had a blast.

But now I need a quiet Monday. I can't wait until I get home. I'm not cooking. I'm not cleaning. I'm not doing anything but order pizza and gather the kids to either rent a pay-per-view movie or play board games.

That decision was made after I reviewed today's paper. The Monmouth section had an article about a 10-year-old boy who was given a new bike and a helmet by the Aberdeen police. He was hit by a pickup truck while riding without a helmet on Oct. 3 and had multiple skull fractures. Fortunately, he's made quite a recovery. I couldn't really read the article. I only read the caption and that sent me into a tailspin. I lost my little brother - this time of year - when we were teens when he was hit by a car while riding his moped. Even 20-plus years later, I'm still very sensitive around anniversary time. A helmet would have saved his life - they were required by law a year later. While articles like this don't hit so hard at other times of the year, right now, just reading the caption tears me up. I feel like Robbie's accident was yesterday.

But it's doing some good, spurring some much-needed family quiet time. I'm a bit of an over-doer. I rarely sit still. On weekends, we get a lot of family time in; on weeknights I'm nonstop. After I get the kids done with homework, I clean up the kitchen from dinner and do laundry until their bedtime, then I spend the rest of the evening readying their lunches/bookbags/papers for the next day. Not tonite. It's pepperoni pizza on paper plates, followed by mom-dad-kid time. I can't wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll dedicate tonight's Rosary to the repose of Robbie's soul.

Enjoy the best that Pete & Elda have to offer, Clare. You deserve a night off. And don't feel guilty about avoiding the chores either. The very best memories I have involve those times when someone close to me said, "Yeah, screw it. Let's dance in the rain." I don't suspect your husband and your kids are any different.

11/06/2006 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll dedicate tonight's Rosary to the repose of Robbie's soul.

Enjoy the best that Pete & Elda have to offer, Clare. You deserve a night off. And don't feel guilty about avoiding the chores either. The very best memories I have involve those times when someone close to me said, "Yeah, screw it. Let's dance in the rain." I don't suspect your husband and your kids are any different.

11/06/2006 06:48:00 PM  
Blogger Clare McDowell said...

Thanks for the dedication. We were blessed to have him for the time we did.
The pizza-picnic and rental of Cheaper By the Dozen II was so worth it. Even our 15-year-old stayed for the whole thing, and had to be shoved out of the room at the end to do his homework. Except for the brief "dog pile on mom," it was a really nice, relaxing nite. Did my heart a world of good, and that downtime with the kids is always good for them.

11/07/2006 04:35:00 PM  

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