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GannettUSA Today

Friday, February 24, 2006

Turf or grass -- who makes the decision?

Barnegat school and township officials are discussing the possibility of the town ponying up $750,000 to cover the high school's football field with artificial turf. School officials say if the town doesn't help them out, recreational athletic leagues would have to find another field because there is too much wear and tear on the grass. Another debate in town is whether turf is safer or more dangerous, and if it should be an option at all.

But officials also said this arrangement would be a way to avoid the cost and time of putting the issue to the voters in the form of a referendum, as required for school projects of this magnitude. Is this type of expense something voters should have their say in, either through special referendum or in a question in the general election in the fall? Or should they put their trust - and tax money, because it's coming from there no matter who pays for the artificial grass - in the officials on this one?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been in on the debate, but yesterday I drove by one of the township's sports fields, and there must have been two hundred Canada geese congregated there. One of the deciding questions for me would be do geese like artificial turf. If not, put it in! I'm against a referendum, because once that starts, every two bit item that's the least bit controversial would be put up for a vote. Let the officials do it. That's why we have elections.

2/26/2006 07:04:00 PM  

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