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GannettUSA Today

Friday, March 03, 2006

Does helmet law go too far?

I'm glad to hear there's a new law extending the bicycle/skateboard/in-line skating helmet requirement up to 17 years old. Having a child in that "tween" group, I know how "uncool" wearing a helmet is considered, but when it's a law, they can't argue too much and their friends can't bust their chops.

For me, it will help me make my children follow safety procedures and make them less likely to remove the helmet down the block. There are a lot more cars on the roads than when I was a kid, and they're going a lot faster. Too many of the drivers are talking on cell phones, putting on makeup, drinking coffee, finding CDs to play and not paying 100 percent attention to the roads.

Some parents argue it should be up to them to decide whether their kids wear helmets, and the government should butt out.

Do you think this law goes too far?


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