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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Distracted by potty mouths

OK, I blogged on this once before, but I have to plead once again: Public bathrooms are not appropriate places for cell phone conversations!
A friend once walked into a ladies' room behind me, chatting away on the phone, and I quickly asked everyone in the stalls to start flushing their toilets so she'd get the hint that her conversation should have ended outside the door. She laughed and hung up.

This morning, I was in a public building when nature called (not on the phone, either) so I located the restrooms. When I entered, someone was in one of the three stalls. Then I heard her talking, and it was obvious she wasn't talking to herself. Or me. Or nature.

We're already lacking in privacy. Do we have to bring in an outside party to join in too? Whoohoo, it's a potty party! I was "done" before my neighbor, so I did what one does when one is "done." I heard my neighbor tell the obviously unaware third party, "Oh, sorry, I'm talking to you from the bathroom, that was somebody else flushing." Then she kept the conversation going. Fortunately, I was long gone before she was "done" herself. I wonder what our third party thought of the whole arrangement? Rather undignified, and it kind of falls under the "too much information" category.

We already have too many people having should-be-private cell phone chats. People seem to forget they're out in public. But really, if you're willing to expose your personal life to the world by blurting out candid conversation with no thought to who you're standing near, please, please, please keep it out of the restrooms, where others might want their own business to remain a little less public.


Blogger Clare McDowell said...

Did you tell anyone at the school? If not, it might be a good idea if she still works there. I know, as a parent, I'd want to know. The woman sounds more than a little unbalanced! Even if she had just heard some really awful news, that type of public tirade is over the top.

11/10/2006 10:35:00 AM  

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